Oversized bags are another. You know, those diminutive celeb-u-lovelies toting bags huge enough to cram in their entire collection of Louboutins. Well, they're just plain silly. Here's our reasoning, if socialites eschew hose in the winter to prove just how infrequently their rarified legs are exposed to the elements, well, then celebs probably shouldn't be toting around anything larger than the size of a box of Chiclets.
Katie Holmes, she of the adorable offspring and veering towards crazy hubby, has been lauded all over the place for her new fashion sense. Seriously though, this bag is slightly ginormous and way out of proportion - unless she was trying to sneak away for a long weekend or toting around her entire collection of Scientology pamphlets.
A rule of thumb for we mortals, if it's too big to cram into the overhead bin- it's too big for every day use.
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