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Christopher Watt, who beautifies some of Hollywood's
most glowing faces, including Halle Berry and
Jennifer Lopez, suggests adding a tablespoon of honey
to your favorite mask for some extra glow.
He also created the following recipe for the National Honey Board:
Dry Skin Moisturizer
- Makes 2 Applications -
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. cocoa butter, melted
2 drops bergamot oil (optional)
1 drop lavender oil or tea tree (optional)
Mix all ingredients together and apply to clean, dry face. This
all-natural moisturizer can be covered and kept in a cabinet, but it will
solidify. For a second application, heat in microwave for 10 seconds,
stir and apply to skin same as before.
Kiss this xxx
(visit www.airkisses.com for updates and announcements)
This FDA approved inter-dental space cleaner is the size of a credit card and allows you to floss effectively and discreetly by simply threading it between your teeth.
Kiss this xxx
(visit www.airkisses.com for updates and announcements)
Acca Kappa Professional Hair Extension Brush with boar and nylon bristles retails for $32 and is available at www.shopaccakappa.com.
Britain's oldest ever reigning monarch, has been declared by Vogue to be "as glamorous in her brogues and headscarf at (her country estate) Balmoral as she is wearing the crown jewels."
Glamour, the magazine declared, is "about how you wear something, not about what you wear. You cannot buy glamour and you can't fake it." Though at Airkisses we firmly believe that you probably have a better chance of faking it if like her majesty- you also happen to be one of the world's richest women...
Our own Rachel Weingarten interviewed various minions at Buckingham Palace when she was writing her book Hello Gorgeous! Beauty Products in America '40s-'60s. When asked about the queen's beauty routine, Rachel was told that there is so much that is known about the queen and that like any woman, the queen prefers to keep some things very private indeed.