Honey is a great natural ingredient used for moisturizing dry skin and also can be used as an antiseptic - best of all, it's usually as close as your kitchen cupboard.
Christopher Watt, who beautifies some of Hollywood's
most glowing faces, including Halle Berry and
Jennifer Lopez, suggests adding a tablespoon of honey
to your favorite mask for some extra glow.
He also created the following recipe for the National Honey Board:
Dry Skin Moisturizer
- Makes 2 Applications -
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. cocoa butter, melted
2 drops bergamot oil (optional)
1 drop lavender oil or tea tree (optional)
Mix all ingredients together and apply to clean, dry face. This
all-natural moisturizer can be covered and kept in a cabinet, but it will
solidify. For a second application, heat in microwave for 10 seconds,
stir and apply to skin same as before.
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