Monday, January 28, 2008

You Glow Girl!

Here's something you might not know- we're actually a little jealous of our darker skinned co-workers who get to use words like 'ashy' to describe their dry winter complexions- we just look flaky.

We've been religiously ingesting our omegas and popping our Vitamin E capsules, but we're still looking dehydrated which is why we were thrilled (delighted, happy, giddy) to discover Prescriptives Vibrant-C Skin brightening cream moisturizer. See, here's the thing. We're not just flaky and parched, we're also tired and getting into this hibernating thing, so makeup seems like too much of a chore on some days. Vibrant-C not only adds nutrients to your skin (like, duh- what did you think the 'C' stood for?) but it also has these teeny, tiny, glowy things (micro-optic luminizers if you insist on getting technical) that actually make our skin look radiant.

Kiss this xxx
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