Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hilary And The Scorpion

Better than crabs, right?

For those of you who haven't seen the clip on YouTube yet, there's a sneak peek from a new movie called War, Inc. directed by NPR darling Joshua Seftel in which the formerly sugar and spice Hilary Duff pulls an Aguilera and drops a live scorpion down her pants.

No, for real.

We noticed John Cusack (sigh. we love us some Johnny Q) looking kinda queasy during the scene as Ms. Duff writhes and shakes and bellydances with the carnivorous arthropod (No silly, we mean the other carnivorous arthropod).

So are we meant to be shocked or awed or a little confused by the girl who used to make us all go awwwwwwww? No clue. But the vid has had nearly a million viewers so far.

Also, Hill's character is named Yonica Babbyeah, and we're extremely disturbed by the fact that we're digging the name Yonica in a big way.

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