I'm not a fan of body art. I'm no prude, it's just that I can barely decide on which socks to wear
each day and can't imagine wearing the same socks
every day for the rest of my life. When my boyfriend recently came home with a giant outline of something very blue on a part of his body that few people see, I turned green. When his blue outline started turning red and angry looking - I got very, very white, and very very nervous. An inky friend suggested trying Tatoo Goo which is a really clever product that keeps your tat from going flat. I'm still not loving my man's homage to his hometown, but at least I'm not worried that it will get infected.
And if you want street cred even if your skin is as pristine as the day you were born, try carrying a tin around in your purse and looking extremely mysterious when anyone asks what it's for. Tattoo Goo is $5.69 at
Drugstore.comKiss this xxx
www.airkisses.com for contests, updates and announcements)